Workout Wednesday


When I started law school I foolishly foolishly foolishly thought I could keep up with my 2 hour workout sessions 6 times a week, eat perfectly and have my what I thought at the time “gross body.” Boy oh boy was I wrong and very disappointed. In short, I’ve easily gained 20-30 pounds since August 2013 and all of my health philosophies have virtually gone out the window. I was upset with myself for a really long time, but now I understand how I should fix my line of thinking and focus on realistic goals that fit with ME personally. No scale, no “follow so and so for 6 weeks plans” work for me. I like making my own weekly routine Sunday nights, and that’s what I need to get back doing again.

And my advice for getting started and staying on track when it comes to getting in shape and eating right: Be consistent and find what works for YOU. For me, getting on the scale made me depressed and hate my body, so I quit that. Also don’t eat something just because it is healthy; eat it because you like it and it is good for you! Same goes for working out; if you don’t like lifting, don’t do it. Do what makes you happy and keeps you healhty.

So on to my actual “Workout Wednesday” post! I have been a fitness junkie for 5 years. I love learning about fitness and seeing other peoples views on it. Today’s feature will be one of my favorite routines from when I first started my interest in fitness: Jamie Eason’s Plyometric Card Routine. I was obsessed with and all of the fitness models so that’s how I found Jamie. She’s awesome and has some great recipes (her chili is SO good). This a great routine because it can be done at home and requires no equipment. She explains it all in the video. I haven’t done this one in years, but I’ll have to try it soon. Let me know if you like it!!

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